There’s a looming showdown next week on Tuesday, June 18, around Parliament buildings as MPs prepare to debate and vote on the contentious Finance Bill, 2024.
This is after disgruntled Kenyans against the controversial bill are organizing themselves and rallying members of the public on social media to storm Parliament in solidarity against the bill, which has been widely considered punitive.
Multiple posters and placards flying online have the message, “Citizens, Rise Against Overtaxation. Reject Finance Bill 2024,” with organizers of the planned activity using the hashtag #RejectFinanceBill2024.
Aware that security officers could be deployed to thwart their plans, organizers advise those participating in the protest to arm themselves with a non-violent placard, a handkerchief, and a bottle of water.
The dress code will be black and the meet up will be at 12PM, around Parliament buildings.